Studio Legale Marsico was established in 1974 and over the years has acquired specific professional profiles in various fields of activity.
Collaboration with various law firms in the most important Italian and foreign cities has enabled the creation of a network of partners suited to meeting the needs of each client.
The typology of services rendered by the Firm includes legal aid before all courts and guarantor authorities, participation in arbitration proceedings, both national and international, assistance in mergers & acquisitions operations, assistance in negotiations and negotiations, and consultancy in various sectors (corporate law, commercial law, intellectual and industrial property, competition, consumer protection, contracts, credit management, family law, matrimonial property relations).
The Firm's clients are mainly medium-large and large companies operating in the pharmaceutical, chemical, mechanical, construction, financial, fashion and luxury goods sectors.


Avv. Pierserafino Marsico


Avv. Ludovica Marsico

Via dei Pellegrini, 24 - 20122 Milano - Italy
Tel. +39 02-76018414 - Fax +39 02-76018482
VAT IT 11774640962